Successful Video Presentations, Webinars and Online Talks

If you want to take advantage of one-on-one training but are in another state in the U.S. or are overseas in another country or continent, please know that we have successfully conducted thousands of online training sessions over Skype, WebEx and VTC in locations such as Australia, Egypt, China, France, U.K., Germany, Romania, Sweden, Russia and many other locales. If there is a particular technology that you are accustomed to, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Never leave the comfort of your home or office and work on any challenge that might be impeding your progress. Whether it’s a professional or personal communication issue, we can help. Want to raise money from VC’s for your start-up or tackle that speech at your retirement dinner? Need to nail that job interview or impress your User Group, Chamber of Commerce, or Business Division? Wish to motivate and inspire your peers, managers, constituents or customers? Or are you embarking on a new career and aspire to impact your audience with a remarkable story?

Whatever the need, let Communication Power be your guide!

If you’re interested in 1:1, group or online training