Whether it’s at the beginning of an important meeting, or prior to your presentation as attendees begin flooding in to your room, or when lunching with a prospective customer or networking at an event that could develop associations for you personally and your organization, conversation skills are key. Being able to make conversation impacts our lives more than any other form of communication. Learn tricks and abilities during this seminar, including:

- Avoiding awkward silences
- The 5 levels of conversation
- Never running out of conversation topics using topic cues
- The secret to uncovering more about others
- The power of friendliness and sincerity
- Interviewing and appropriate self-disclosure
- The meat and potatoes of conversation: Association Technique
- Customer service conversation
- Drawing out shy people
- Gathering conversational material
- Mistakes boring people make
- Polite exits
- Starting a conversation
- Talking without dominating
- Using humor
Give yourself the power to have conversations with anyone, whether it’s a stranger or someone important you would like to get to know.
If you’re interested in 1:1, group or online training